“In A January State Of Mind.”

January- The first month of the year, in the northern hemisphere usually considered the second month of winter.


Wasssssuppppp Up Yall!

It’s been a long time I shouldn’t have left you. Man, life has been a rollercoaster since I last dropped something hurrr. From work to personal life, honestly, there’s just not enough time in a day to get it all done. Funny enough, what got me back here is kinda wild because, as of today, February 20, 2025, I’m still thinking about last month, January. Nothing crazy happened New Year, same old, etc. But let’s kick things off with some quick facts:

January is:

1. The first month of the year.

2. One of seven months with 31 days.

3. You thought it had the most letters in its name? Nope, September does.

4. Aight, that’s enough of that.

 Even though 6 other months have 31 days, January feels the longest. Maybe it’s because the holidays just passed. Yeah, December is technically the first winter month, but January is just- built like winter. 

Very Special

What makes January different is the emotional connection with thyself that takes place. It’ s wild to think about, but January actually gets in our feelings bag, for real. There’s something about the month of January that screams fresh start, rebuild mode, reset season, new beginnings, Okay you get the vibe. But for some reason, for some reason, January doesn’t get the love it deserves. Instead, it’s seen as a task month rather than a festive one. Think about it like this, if there was a month’s monthly meeting (lol), December would be on stage flexing like: December has holidays, gifts, White Christmas, sales, and marriage proposals. Yeah, I know, it's the month where people get engaged the most. Meanwhile, January is stuck trying to follow behind an act like that? Come on man Gimme a Break! For the holiday season January does get the new gym memberships, people returning ugly sweaters, and presents that just aint make the cut. Word, I know, just not fair.

We Outside

Let’s switch gears and show January some love. January is the month of courage the first month of the year , the one that steps up, takes the risk, and does it coldly, Oh! Whether or Weather or not (BARZ), you gotta adjust when January rolls up. It’s the reason and season you get to wear coats and sweaters. And let’s not forget the snow school days, some of y’all know what I’m talking about. Plus, January is known as the “benchmark month.” It provides you with data that can help you progress-monitor on your annual goals and see how you measure up the rest of the year. It's when you see how well, or how well not, you are doing. The new year actually gets you starting something. We got to be starting something, we got to be starting something (yeah yeah).  You go get those shiny new gym memberships on January 1st. The first month of the year lets you think about the real results of your gains in a few months, but it’s January that sets the tone for you.

Call a C.O.P. on January Stress!

Never thought you’d hear me say this but call the C.O.P.(s) on January stress! Call The Po PO. 

C.O.P. = Chunk, Organize, and Prepare.

This is how you put under arrest the January stress and take control of your month. Letttss Gooooo!

C- Chunk Your Plans Into Sizable Bites.

Instead of getting overwhelmed, break your January month into smaller pieces. A great way to do this is visual planning. Write down things to look forward to such as: birthday parties, social events, even little joys like a quiet coffee break with pancakes (my fav). Small wins matter brothers and sisters.

O- Organize Your Goals with Intention.

Structure your plans in a way that works for you. Make it sustainable.

For example:

-Week 1: Let go of the old, welcome the new. Reflect and reset.

-Week 2: Build consistency. If your goal is hitting the gym, balance it with a meal plan. Pace yourself, sustainability is the key.

Need motivation? Surround yourself with people on the same journey. Having a support system makes all the difference. Allyship word!

P- is for Prepare, Prepare for Success with a Strong Support System

Your “January Busters team” friends, family, accountability partners help you stay on track. Imagine this: Every year, you and your crew regroup, set goals together, track progress, and hype each other up throughout the year. Turning January into a launching pad instead of a struggle nest. If you start strong, you stay strong, and never fade in the motivation department.

Ready to Take Charge?

Call a C.O.P. on stress and step into the new year with purpose. With the right plan and people, January can be the month where momentum starts and where your motivation never fades. For eva eva eva eva.

P.S. Shout out to all the people celebrating birthdays, weddings, school accomplishments in January. You already winning!


Till Next Time Same Bat Time, Same Bat Channel





References: January definition. https://languages.oup.com/google-dictionary-en/



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